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Peperomia dolabriformis 'Maxi'

Peperomia dolabriformis 'Maxi'

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Peperomia dolabriformis 'Maxi' is an intriguing cultivar of the standard Peperomia dolabriformis, known for its succulent-like qualities and distinctive leaf structure. This variety is appreciated for its larger leaf size and robust growth, making it an attractive addition to any plant collection.

Morphological Characteristics:

  • Leaves: The 'Maxi' cultivar features larger, more substantial leaves compared to the typical Peperomia dolabriformis. These leaves are thick and fleshy, shaped somewhat like pea pods, and fold upward, creating a unique "window" along their tops that aids in photosynthesis. The leaves are a vibrant lime green with darker green translucent "windows."
  • Growth Habit: It forms dense clusters and has a more upright growth compared to the more sprawling habit of other Peperomias. Its succulent characteristics make it quite hardy and capable of storing water in its thick leaves.

Ecological Preferences:

  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels thanks to its photosynthetic windows. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause leaf burn.
  • Soil: Thrives in well-draining soil, ideally a mix designed for cacti and succulents that includes components like perlite or sand to ensure good drainage.
  • Water: Water sparingly, only once every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, particularly in cooler months.
  • Temperature: Does well in average room temperatures from 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C). It should be protected from temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

Additional Care Tips:

  • Fertilization: Requires minimal fertilization. Feeding with a diluted succulent fertilizer once during the spring and once in the summer can support its growth without promoting excessive water retention in the soil.
  • Pest Management: Keep an eye out for pests such as spider mites and mealybugs. Treat infestations promptly with appropriate insecticidal soaps or neem oil.

Peperomia dolabriformis 'Maxi' is valued not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its low-maintenance care requirements, making it an excellent choice for both novice gardeners and those looking to expand their succulent or Peperomia collections.

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